Rails Pagination with AJAX
When I upgraded to Rails 2.0, I quickly found out that pagination was removed from the rails code base. In order to get it you have to install a plugin. After searching on the web I found two possible plugins: classic pagination, and will_paginate. I choose will_paginate because it is more efficient and works directly with the model.
However, the author suggests not using link_to_remote to implement an “AJAXified” pagination. Instead, he gives some pretty ugly javascript code that does it. Since I am using a lot of javascript in other areas of my application, I was really hesitant to go down that path and possibly break my javascript functions. I see his point, in that not everyone uses the prototype library, but I do. So I came across Redline’s blog to change my links to link_to_remote links. But this violates the other reason the will_paginate’s author gives for not using link_to_remote - non-javascript browser support and search engine support.
After looking at the link_to_remote documentation, I found that you can replace the default anchor link location (href=”#”) with the same URL the ajax call goes to. This allows non-javascript-enabled browsers and search engines to follow the links. I just modified Redline’s render to add one extra option to set the href. This is my renderer module in app/helpers/remote_link_renderer.rb:
class RemoteLinkRenderer < WillPaginate::LinkRenderer
def prepare(collection, options, template)
@remote = options.delete(:remote) || {}
def page_link(page, text, attributes = {})
@template.link_to_remote(text, {:url => url_for(page),
:method => :get}.merge(@remote), :href => url_for(page))
With that, javascript-enabled browsers will use make and use the AJAX calls, and non-javascript-enabled browsers and search engines will use the normal links. This seems like the cleanest and most DRY way to get pagination with AJAX.