AmaCraigBay now with Google Products
I have updated AmaCraigBay to include Google Products. If you already installed the browser plugin or bookmarklet, you don't need to do anything to get the update. It should just start showing up. Google products will include a lot more options to compare from, including stores like Walmart, Target, and KMart.
For the next Kynetx competition I decided to create AmaCraigBay. I have always talked to friends about how they got this really cool stuff from Craigslist for really cheap, or free. I never think to check Craigslist when I need something. I always pay full price. So, I figured I would put eBay and Craigslist results on Amazon search pages, that way whenever I am on Amazon looking for something, not only will I remember to check Craigslist and eBay, I will see the most popular item from each site right above Amazon's results.
Amazon Friend Feedback
Have you ever searched for a product on Amazon, read the reviews and got mixed feelings about weather you should buy it or not. Did you want to ask your friends opinion? Well, now you can ask your Facebook friends without ever leaving Amazon.
Internet Running Slow? Try OpenDNS
I know that technically oriented readers will probably already know this, but for any readers that don't know, there is a way that you could possibly speed up your Internet connection.
Migrating to a New Host
So you probably have already noticed, I am not updating my blog very often. Trying to teach 3-4 classes a semester, doing a dissertation, and trying to be a good husband and father keeps me really busy. Although my previous host(bluehost) has been great, I decided to go with a cheaper hosting option. That meant that I had to migrate my blog to a new server. If you visit my site, you should notice a new, cleaner look. I hope you like it. (Although I am probably just writing this to myself since I don't really have any followers.) What follows are some of the features and choices I made to make this blog look the way it does. If you are interested in the technical details, then read on.